How I almost aborted my first pregnancy – Uche Ogbodo

In this interview with Nollywood actress, Uche Ogbodo, she tells the story of her past, life as a single mother, relationship with her baby daddy, Arthur Apo, and more.
What led to your decision to work on your body size, criticism?
Uche Ogbodo: No, not really. I don’t care about body shamers actually. It’s one of the things that happened in my life years back that made take on this step to make myself a better and happier person.
I recently had a baby, my baby is 4 years old.
Before the baby, I had issues with my Ex. These are life changing events, happening at same time. So, I told myself, that if i want to do what I want to do, I have to loose some weight. Baby weight and all. I had to reorient myself. Bottom line, I am happy.
Did you at any point give up?
No, I never. The minute I went to the gym, I knew the result I was looking out for. I didn’t think back. Each time I look in the mirror, I see a more beautiful version of myself. I’m happy, I never gave up. I started a movement Body Positive With Uche Ogbodo which is to inspire women to work on themselves. I notice that some women go through a lot and seeing the changes in their bodies, sometimes get them depressed that even contemplate suicide. So, I know they need a push to look better and become happier, I became that push for women.
Nobody gave me that push before I hit the gym, but I want to inspire other women to find themselves, that’s how I want to give back yo the society.
I want to help women see how beautiful they are. Nobody is ugly.
About your ex what actually happened?
It’s part of life I don’t want go back to because whatever happened in my other life happened for the best. God has a reason for it to happen. I’m happy, that’s all that matters.
So you don’t think you made a mistake?
I am happy, it didn’t work. I’m not an advocate for people staying in a relationship that you not happy in. If you are not happy go away. It is not a do or die affair. You don’t have to die in marriage. If it is no longer convenient for you, walk away. Don’t care what people are going to say, just move on. It’s your life. There are other means of happiness lined up somewhere. So, com’on move it girl!
But you believed in him before you married him?
No. I didn’t marry him. I have never been married but d media took me as a married woman. I was never married. I was in a relationship with someone and it lasted about a year and we broke up. We were engaged to be married. But the minute we said that, everything just dissolved. So, when he left the picture, about a month after, I found out that I was pregnant. I didn’t want to tell anybody about it, I just wanted to think about my life. Should I go back to him because of this pregnancy? Or should I just move on? It me took about 9 months to realize that I don’t want that kind of man in my life. He would drag me back.
How involved is he with his daughter now?
Well, he hasn’t been involved because initial he said ‘this girl is not pregnant she wants to get me’. Until, I went to America to have my baby. He wasn’t interested. I wasn’t interested on saying anything to him. Over the years, I’ve been able to take care of my child alone. I don’t mind. It’s been great.
What would you say is the major reason Nollywood actresses barely last long in marriages and even relationships?
I don’t think relationship is hard for any nollywood person to take. I want believe that we are blessed people. Nollywood exposes you to better opportunity and takes you to a greater heights. It gives you exposure that being a businessman or banker won’t give you, so whatever you do, all eyes are on you. And sometimes you are entangled with people that understand you or your job, they expect you to be a super woman. You meet people who don’t compliment you. It happens everywhere though, not just the Entertainers.
What have been the challenges of single mother?
It has been tough. I never believe I would be a single mother in my life, but I’m a Catholic girl. We preach against abortion and all.
Then, when you have a convenant with God that you are going to be a mother and a good wife, that I don’t ever want to break up with my husband when I get married, but things changed.
I thought about marrying the father of my child, but the relationship didn’t work. It is unfortunate. This child came as a blessing, maybe God wants me to have this child to teach me a lesson.
My parents told me, that I am not married that I should move on with my life, but I was like I think there’s a reason for this child growing in me.
I didn’t get pregnant while in other relationships, so why this one? Why now?
There’s a reason for this child and I’m keeping her. That’s why I kept her. It hasn’t been easy.
What’s next for you, any plans for marriage?
I still postive. I still want to get married. I’m a Catholic girl. I want to be in a relationship where I would be happy, where I would be allowed to live the way I want to. I want to be happy. So, if you want to make me happy, then com’on.
So there’s no one in your life at the moment?
There is actually. But just relationship. We haven’t defined it yet.
Career wise, any new project?
I had a job in the cinema about 2 years ago. It was premierdd in London, Switzerland, and Spain also. Now I’m doing more jobs for myself. I am now more into producing my own movies.